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      We are always open to hiring motivated and creative workers who share our same passion to provide high-quality dwellings and attentive customer service.

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        Peter – Leader Pest Control

        Peter – Leader Pest Control

        Hi, my name is Peter McDonald from Leader Pest Control, We have been installing Termite protection to Granny Flat Solutions granny flats for over 8 years.
        I have to say that I have been truly impressed by how Granny Flat Solutions runs their business, how well they look after their tradies, clients and everyone, the clear instructions and guidelines for their work. They have highest standards of all the granny flat companies out there. I often work with the project managers Dieter, Pierre, Joe, Andrew, Tony and Greg they are all very professional, organised, high-capable in their role, and the best part, is they are so easy to deal with, the communication is very smooth and they honour their word.
        They treat each and every client like their own family and friends. It is rare to find a business like Granny Flat Solutions.
        I would definitely recommend Granny Flat Solutions for your project – I know they will look after you!

        Peter McDonald


        Leader Pest Control


        Brick granny flat with patio

        Build with the Best

        Granny Flat Solutions is the ONLY multi-award winning granny flat company, with over 15 awards under our belt.

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        Excellence In Housing Awards - Winner
        Local Business Award

        “Experience the difference for yourself.”

        Call 02 9481 7443 or contact us online now to book your free site inspection and quote.

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