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      Transform Your Granny Flat into a Top-Rated Holiday Property

      Do you want to share your slice of paradise with the rest of the world? Looking to make a little extra income from your granny flat? Turning your granny flat into a top-rated holiday property is a fantastic way to utilise your granny flat to earn some extra cash and meet a wide range of interesting people. Like all good things, before you dive into the holiday rental game, there are few factors you need to consider. With a little expert guidance, you’ll have the perfect holiday accommodation, and have tourists fondly remembering their time spent in your granny flat (or rushing to rebook).

      Should I Turn My Granny Flat into Holiday Accommodation?

      This really depends on your own personal preference and where you’re located. What do you want to achieve from your granny flat? Some questions to ask yourself include:

      • How much income do you want to make from your granny flat? Is this possible through offering holiday accommodation?
      • Is tourism in your area seasonal? If so, does that work for you?
      • What can you offer that will make you stand out?

      No matter how wonderful your area is, some places just attract more holidaymakers than others. If this is the case for you, it’s worth considering renting to a tenant if you’re looking to make some extra income from your granny flat.

      Designing a Granny Flat as a Holiday Property

      If you’re designing a granny flat from scratch, there are a few things to consider. For a start, how many bedrooms do you need? Perhaps you could consider an open plan layout to create a more inviting space for your guests to hang out. You’ll need to think of the weather and how to keep your guests comfortable year round.

      Does this sound like a lot to consider? The good news is you don’t have to go it alone. The Granny Flat Solutions team can guide you through every design decision to help you build a holiday spot people will be raving about to their friends back home.

      Tips For Transforming Your Granny Flat into a Holiday Hotspot

      1. Research other holiday accommodation in the area

      It’s impossible to create a completely failsafe business venture, but you can certainly reduce your risks through research and preparation. Have a look at what other people have done with their granny flats, see what you like and won’t you don’t. Search online for advice from other Airbnb hosts, as you’ll find some great tips and learn some lessons without having to make mistakes yourself.
      Something else to research is what other accommodation is charging in your area. Potential guests will look at several options, so you want a price that covers your bases while still being reasonable and enticing to your clients.

      1. Decide what you offer

      Are you willing to cook breakfast or supply any type of food for your guests? Will you offer to pick up people from the airport? Do you supply parking? How about Wi-Fi or cable television? Can your guests use your swimming pool? There isn’t a right or wrong answer to these questions, but it’s important to know what’s part of your service and to communicate this with your guests. It’s better to be upfront and clear about what you can do and realistic with yourself about what you can provide. It’s better not to offer something than to offer something and then not deliver it.

      1. Bring your personality to your granny flat

      People travel to have experiences and your granny flat can provide that for them. Some of the most memorable experiences people have on holiday are when they visit somewhere a bit different and unusual. A granny flat can be more quirky or colourful than a traditional hotel room, and in fact, this may be exactly what your guests are after. Feel free to add a bit of your own flair or incorporate some unique design choices. The trick is to find balance between quirky and comfortable. You want any eccentricities to be charming, not off-putting.

      1. Think about your surroundings

      Consider why holidaymakers are coming to your area in the first place and try incorporating that into your accommodation. For example, if you live near the beach, you could try a Hamptons style décor to capture that relaxed costal vibe. If you’re out in the bush, you can give your granny flat an outback, country-house feel. Remember, what’s every day to you might be exotic for a tourist so try to view your area with an outsider’s perspective.

      1. Consider small details

      You’ve heard the saying the devil is in the details? This applies to preparing your granny flat for the tourist trade. Something simple like marking your granny flat so your guests know they’re at the right place slips a lot of homeowners by. We’ve all had problems trying to figure out how to turn on an unfamiliar air-con or television, so providing some printed out instructions might make life easier for everyone. Consider supplying items like power point adaptors, brochures for local tourist attractions and restaurants, public transport timetables. You can even provide a list of your own personal recommendations for the guests to use at their own discretion.

      1. Communication

      Different guests are going to want different things from you, so you’ll want to be able to adapt. Some will want to chat and hear about the local area while others are going to want privacy and do their own exploring. It’s also important for you to lay down any ground rules whether they be health and safety (no glass near the pool, no smoking indoors), organisational (leaving times, when payment is due) or preferential (what areas guests can use and what they can’t).
      If your guests offer feedback, it’s best to be polite and open even if you’re not sure you agree with it. You’ll come across friendly and, who knows, they might have a really good idea for you.

      1. Keep up appearances

      Maintaining your granny flat is key to keeping your place a holiday hotspot. This means regular cleaning, making sure everything from plumbing to lighting is working and staying on top of little things like pest control. It’s worth having electrical appliances checked annually by an electrician just to make sure they’re safe. Unfortunately, even one small negative factor can override all the good elements of a place in your guests mind. Wear and tear are to be expected of any building, the trick is to not let it get out of hand.

      Find the Right Builder

      Whatever approach you choose for your new holiday hotspot, the most vital step is to have a builder on your team who knows granny flats and has the skills to bring your vision to life. Granny Flat Solutions are your local granny flat specialists and we’re excited to discuss your project with you. So, if you want to get started on your granny flat or have further queries contact us today!

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